Saturday, October 25, 2008

Day 6 of 21

The insights just keep coming. Today's aren't really new, but they're being brought home with more force. Here goes - 1) apparently I spend a lot of time thinking about food and the next meal. This isn't nearly as much fun when the next meal contains no sugar, alcohol, caffeine, gluten, or dairy. I don't mind not having animal products, as I wasn't eating any meat except for seafood when I started the cleanse. But it's hard to get excited about fruit and vegetables over and over again; 2) I tend to reward myself with food or beverages. When I finally make it out of Target, I believe I deserve some McAlister's sweet tea, leaving Kroger's warrants a Starbuck's caramel macchiato. Any 'hardship' should be followed by a reward, and it is almost always food.

So what to do with this information? My intention is to create a new relationship with food, one where food is enjoyable and healthy, but not a reward and not the highlight of my days. This may take some work, so how shall I reinforce myself? Massage? Hot bath with home-made cranberry bath salts? Cold glass of Chardonnay - oops, guess not. Twenty minutes of meditation?

I can do this, and I can learn about myself, and I can make changes in how I deal with food. Keep your fingers crossed!


Anonymous said...

Hey Sweetie, just read through all your posts. Wow! Know that I'm rooting for you as opposed to rooting around for luscious goodies for you. As for about tea with me?

Annie Wills said...

Melanie, tea with thee is a fantabulous reward! Let's make it soon.